Dreamscape Learn at ASU
Dreamscape Learn at ASU is an education game changer — combining the emotional power of Hollywood storytelling with a fully immersive virtual reality learning experience. We caught up with students after their first virtual reality biology class to hear how it went.

eSCHOOL NEWS: Phoenix K-6 School Taps Power of VR and Storytelling to Bring Subjects to Life for Students
ASU Prep Pilgrim Rest announced a new partnership with Dreamscape Learn, making it the first elementary school in the country to offer students a dynamic new learning experience that blends the power of experiential pedagogy, cinematic engagement, and advanced virtual reality (VR) technology.

KTAR NEWS: Phoenix School Launching Immersive Classroom Program with Virtual Reality Technology
ASU Prep Pilgrim Rest, which is part of the ASU Preparatory Academy network, plans to implement the platform this spring. Use of the virtual reality program will evolve through summer school and into the 2024-25 school year.

PR NEWSWIRE: Glendale Community College Brings the Power of Cinematic Storytelling and VR to the Classroom
GCC will extend the benefits of immersive learning into the broader Glendale community by enabling dual-enrollment students from local high schools to participate in the courses that will incorporate Dreamscape Learn courseware.

ROWAN UNIVERSITY NEWS: Rowan University Brings Power of Cinematic Storytelling and Advanced Virtual Reality to Higher Education
Rowan leads the first group of universities in the nation to license the new technology and curriculum developed by Dreamscape Learn, in collaboration with Arizona State University.

ON EDTECH+: Sometimes a Good Result is Just a Good Result
Beyond the comprehensive nature of the redesign and the relatively small but important role of VR, I was specifically blown away by the engagement angle. Participating in the VR sessions and observing lab activities, I was struck by how much of my attention was directed toward the story.


VENTURE BEAT: Virtual Reality is Finally Ready to Revolutionize Education
Almost like a magic carpet ride, the system allows an instructor to take an entire classroom to different places. It can also be used with a small group of students sitting around a virtual conference table with an instructor at the head, as might be done in a college seminar course.

WORKING NATION: ASU’s Dreamscape Learn: How virtual reality is transforming education
In January, ASU plans to launch a course using a virtual immersive experience that it describes as a first of its kind in the industry. ASU partnered with Dreamscape Immersive, the VR entertainment company, to form Dreamscape Learn. And the approach has potential to be applied to all kinds of classrooms as well as adult learners in the workforce.
I caught a preview of Dreamscape Learn at the ASU+GSV Summit in August in San Diego and had a chance to speak to Lisa Flesher and Phil Regier about the learning tool and its potential to transform education.

"If I had this experience in my freshman year, I would have stuck with it more since it would make it easier for me to learn."

“The experience was awesome, and it will change everything on campus if implemented.”

VR Biology Lab Experience Leads to Student Success
Consider what happened in Biology 181. Initial studies show that students who participated in the Dreamscape Learn version of the course had dramatically higher lab grades and better engagement than their peers who took the conventional lab course.

FORBES: How Web3/Ed3 And Immersive Technologies Signal A New Era For K-12 Education
Then there’s the promise of integrating emerging immersive technologies like AR and VR into the curriculum, which Arizona State University is piloting. Dreamscape Learn is a digital educational platform that merges pedagogy and narrative storytelling with fully immersive, avatar-driven virtual reality. ASU is using the technology from Dreamscape Learn for labs in two of its introductory biology classes. The platform gives students the chance to explore problems that reflect the courses’ key concepts—but in a way I could never have imagined.

BIG THINK: How the Metaverse Will Revolutionize K-12 and Higher Education
I have always believed that immersive education is one of the most important uses. But it wasn't until my recent visit to Dreamscape Learn in Culver City, California that I experienced immersive content that is poised to revolutionize mainstream learning from K-12 to college.

THE HECHINGER REPORT: My Trip to the Alien Zoo: A Virtual Biology 101 Class
My trip to the Alien Zoo wasn't just for fun or a total abuse of my role as an education journalist. It was an opportunity to experience what about 8,000 students at Arizona State University are already doing on a weekly basis as a part of their introductory biology courses.

MERCED COUNTY TIMES: Virtual Reality Class Experience Coming to Merced College
"You know, to be able to have character arcs, twists, and impacts from data that they're analyzing in the lab feeding back into the story and the characters that they care about, I think that's the real value of what this is, and that's why I'm excited about it."