The Dreamscape Learn platform is a unique software package that both enables the richly immersive experiences of our products and supports 3rd party development of new environments and tools. Our SDK (software development kit) allows clients to build extraordinarily realistic 3D environments for both synchronous and asynchronous teaching with minimal technical resources.

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Tools that enable educators and students to engage in new ways

Dreamscape Learn "pods" deliver the most advanced immersive learning experiences. We build extraordinary spaces that catalyze creative curricular collaboration; enable novel work and learning opportunities for students; inspire faculty; and drive enrollment -- all at a cost far lower than maintaining the traditional science labs they often supplant. These hubs of innovation are a presentation of your institution's commitment to the future of education. Just imagine, every school can have a beautiful IMAX theater or a planetarium without building them physically. Learn how quickly we can develop a Dreamscape Learn Immersive Learning Center at your institution!
A new kind of physical campus that can take your faculty anywhere
In deep collaboration with world class biologists and biology educators, Dreamscape Learn has reinvented the biology course for both undergraduate and K-12 levels. Why should students do cookbook recipe style lab procedures when they can learn by becoming practicing biologists discovering and solving complex life science problems in a richly rendered immersive ecosystem?
With modules spanning core biology areas like cell signaling, genetics, adaptation and evolution, niches, biostatistics, and experimental methodology, Biology in the Alien Zoo transports and transforms students. It can work in combination with an established biology curriculum, or it can become the entire curriculum, and Dreamscape delivers versions tuned to many instructional levels – middle school, high school, college general education and college for science majors and premeds.
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Climate Science

The most innovative biology lab ever created
Imagine being able to lead a synchronous learning experience from – literally – anywhere and with all your students fully present in that environment. That educational fantasy becomes reality with the Immersive Classroom.
Want to lead a class from inside King Tutankhamun’s tomb? On the Martian surface? Inside the Hagia Sophia? Thirty meters below the sea surface? Dreamscape Learn can take you and your students there in beautifully, accurately rendered fully immersive worlds while enabling collaborative interaction among students and between teacher and students fully equipped with the academic tools needed for teaching, investigation and learning.